

In Evansville, Indiana

From Salesman to Word man.

I earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration with majors in marketing and English. I began my career in sales with a plumbing supply house, working on graduate studies in the evenings. In the mid 1980s I joined an advertising agency as staff writer. I have worked full-time ever since as a commercial wordsmith.

My primary professional influences are Dick Hodgson (The Greatest Direct Mail Sales Letters of All Time) and Herschell Gordon Lewis (On the Art of Writing Copy). You can view my professional profile on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmoleary/

Writing Coach

In 2013, the marketing director for Scholastic hired me to conduct a seminar for a group of junior copywriters. I took them through a full day of interactive training. You can read what they said about my coaching here.


People are naturally creative and all sincere ideas deserve to be heard. In all things I strive to follow the Golden Rule.

John Michael O’Leary, Writer for Marketing & Sales. Portrait photo by John Hendricks. Evansville riverfront photo by Tom Barrows.

John Michael O’Leary, Writer for Marketing & Sales. Portrait photo by John Hendricks. Evansville riverfront photo by Tom Barrows.